lack of style and ability

that's me - I've always wanted to be able to create. To be artistic - to be able to make clothes, jewellery etc. However I have realised that ultimately I'm a bit crap - but the fun is in trying - I guess.

Today I fell in love with this new website, It does what it says on the tin. If you are a fan of etsy, or indeed make your living from etsy - you've probably heard about it. Judging by the (now closed) threads on the discussion boards the opinions range between finding it hilariously funny or being offended. I can understand that perhaps, if you've created something and you think it's fantastic and that someone will buy it then being featured on Regretsy might be a lickle bit insulting. However, it appears that many of the 'featured artists' were simply a bit miffed that the original posts on Regretsy weren't linking back to their etsy shops!

I must admit to liking a lot of weird crafts - often the weirder the better. However it does seem that some people are taking it a wee bit too far. Just a few to start you off:

Black unicorn
yes - apparently a real one!

Crocheted toilet paper
Wouldn't the fibres get up your butt?

Frida Kahlo Uterous Doll
says what it does on the tin

And while we're on a 'bad craft' trip ... here are some more websites dedicated to bad bad bad crafting (and yes, I do expect something of mine appearing on here at some point!):

Glitter Gone Bad


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